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That is an example of a Wog chick! ;)

Ok boys, here are the ultimate tips the government didn't want you to know, it will guarantee you everlasting happiness in love and a nice wog wife!

Think Ahead: Never leave the house straight after shaving, wait until the next day to gain that sexy stubble that wog chicks like to feel when they kiss you. If she develops a rash around her mouth, tell her her mouth is overstretched from smiling at the guy in the porsche at the traffic lights.

Security: When you invite her out on a date, don't come alone. Instead make sure you organise for some mates of yours to come along to meet some mates of hers. Eventually all of her friends will be dating your friends and she'd feel left out of the group if she ever dumped you.

Signs Of Interest: Wog chicks are easy to understand, they show you how they feel. If she looks at you, it's because she likes you. If she doesn't look at you it's because she's too shy to look at you.. because she likes you.

Honesty: When you ask a wog chick if she thinks you should wax your ape-like back, she will say no. She is usually lying, monkeyman, otherwise she would date a nice imported rug.

Approaching: When first approaching a wog chick, make sure she isn't with her friends and you are not with yours, that way when she gives you an arabic-backhander (in worse cases an arabic flying slipper), there'll be less damage to your reputation.

Dad's Influence: When forming a relationship with a wog chick, bear in mind that she has had to put up with a father who has dictated everything she can and cannot do for her whole life. This is your new role. But don't overdo it, start small, eg. "Babe your socks don't really go with your top, would you like me to help you choose another colour?". Later on you can move onto the "You stay in the car, there are too many guys here" overprotection style.

Phone Manners: Do not under any circumstances allow your wog chick to look through your phone. If she is smart, and most of them are, change all the female names in there to similar male names. If she asks why you have so many friends named Julius, explain that you met them on your recent trip to Rome.

Wet vs Dry: Do not blowdry your hair after putting gel or mousse in it. Otherwise when your wog chick touches it, it will feel like cement (or uncooked 2minute noodles if its curly), whereas if its wet, you'll only look like you just came out of the shower, and hygiene is attractive.

Gold: Wearing a large gold cross is a great way to win her over by appealing to her religious side. She will then overlook the fact that you stole that BMW because in her eyes (and around your neck) is an image of holiness that erases all sin. In rare but not impossible cases she may even start to call you Christ, just act normal.

Hairiness: If your wog chick has hair growing out of her ears, tell her in a sensitive and caring way. Don't wait until you're in bed together and yell out "Oh my God, I'm sleeping with my grandfather!". Otherwise she may overreact and wax every bit of hair in sight, including yours.

The Parents: When visiting your wog chick's home (after the bullet dodging lessons from her dad in the driveway), make sure you don't talk about any sensitive issues, like compo or social security. Especially if her dad has a big wooden stake supporting his back.

Namecalling: Don't call her parents mum and dad. Although we live in Australia, we have not yet adopted this concept, and her parents will think you're trying to blend into the family scene. You must address them with Uncle BlahBlah and Auntie BlahBlah. If you can use the arabic version eg. aamo, you'll be eating that koussa in no time.

Food: If your wog chick's mum has made pasta that strongly resembles a pile of dog s#$%, eat it, and compliment her on her fine cooking. Otherwise you risk missing out on all the cooking your wog chick will make when you get married, from recipes she learned from her mum. Pasta anyone?


I hope this information is helpful to all of you out there! :P
Because if you dont have a wog chick then life aint worth living :D